Saturday, January 11, 2025

Get Published and Paid Selling Reprints to Regional Parenting Magazines

After I'd been a mom for a few years, there came a time when I wondered about how to write for regional parenting magazines. I had been devouring any and all magazines since becoming a mom and appreciated the helpful articles I'd read.

From Article Idea to Money in Hand

I had a few ideas in mind, so I wrote a few drafts of a parenting article based on something I'd personally experienced, perfected it based on what I'd seen in magazines in general, and sent it to my local parenting and family publication. They published it quickly and I received a check in the mail.

Magazines Are Everywhere

I'd traveled a little and had seen similar magazines with similar article topics, and I realized that parenting magazines must be a big deal in every major city. I searched online for other magazines in other cities and started emailing my pieces; the editors didn't mind that I didn't live in their city.

Write What You Know for Magazines

I wrote more articles, usually based on things that I felt passionately about, such as making birthdays and holidays special, finding solutions for pregnancy sleep disruptions, and information about helping a family after their baby comes home from the NICU. My best-selling piece about finding sanity at Christmastime when you have kids sold close to $1,200 in reprints and still sells.

I'm an Authority on Writing for RPMs

Now I have over 180 publishing credits under my belt and sometimes take on assignments. It's a great business to be in because, even without writing any brand-new pieces for many months, my reprints keep selling because I send out my reprint list to magazines every few months.

Start Submitting Your Own Articles

I knew other writers would want the information I'd gained, so I put together an instant download about how to get published in regional parenting magazines and sell each article as a reprint again and again. I compiled information from dozens of magazines in one spot to make the submissions process easier. Hurry and grab your copy of The Mother of All Writing Market books here for a steal!
If you aren't sure about this writing gig yet, join my Facebook group, Parenting Magazine Writers!

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