From the website: "The journal sponsors the annual Adroit Prizes for Poetry and Prose for secondary and undergraduate writers, the annual Djanikian Scholars Program for emerging student and non-student writers, and the free, online Adroit Journal Summer Mentorship Program for high school students from around the world. We’re looking for work that’s bizarre, authentic, subtle, outrageous, indefinable, raw, paradoxical. We’ve got our eyes on the horizon. Send us writing that lives just between the land and the sky." WE ARE NOW A PAYING PUBLICATION!! THANKS TO THE GENEROUS SUPPORT OF OUR DONORS, THE ADROIT JOURNAL PAYS $100.00 TO ALL FICTION & CREATIVE NON-FICTION CONTRIBUTORS AND $50.00 TO ALL POETRY AND ENLIGHTENMENT CONTRIBUTORS, AS WELL AS OUR ISSUE COVER ARTIST.
2. OneTeen Story(ages 13-19)
One Teen Story is looking for great short stories focused on teen protagonists and dealing with teen experiences such as issues of identity, friendship, family, coming-of-age, etc. One Story provides a powerful way for fiction writers to reach a wide audience. For the authors we publish, we offer extensive editing on the page and ongoing mentoring and professional development. We help them find representation, support them in placing their work in other venues, and publicize their books through public events and social media.
Writings (essays, stories, letters to the editor, riddles and proverbs, etc.) should be typed or neatly handwritten and limited to 1,000 words and poems up to 30 lines. We encourage writings in all languages with an English translation, if possible. And, we love illustrations! Please send originals of your drawings, paintings, or photos to our address below. Include your name, age, and address along with your submission. We welcome electronic submissions, and prefer Word.doc or .docx files. Art and photos can be sent as .jpeg, .png, or .tiff files. Please DO NOT send us attachments as zip files.
We also welcome your original, creative submissions for our various contests: Youth Honor Awards, Annual Asian Celebration Haiku Contests, etc. See details in those sections.
4. Teen Ink
(grades 7-12)
This website, monthly newsprint magazine, and quarterly poetry magazine features personal essays, short stories, reviews (books, CDs, concerts, movies), and interviews from young authors. Teen Ink has no staff writers; we depend completely on you to send writing, art, and photos. There is no charge to submit or be published. All submissions will be considered for publication in Teen Ink’s digital magazine and website.
5. Teen Voices
(females, ages 13-19)
Teen Voices is the global girl news website of Women’s eNews. We change the media landscape by incorporating girls in the production of news about their lives. We publish reported pieces and first-person narratives produced by females, 13-19 years old. Articles are typically 600-800 words long and writers will be required to work with our editor before the articles are published. Teen journalists that are published in Teen Voices receive payment for their work. We want to hear from all female-identified teens who have an interest in journalism/media/writing and activism. All of our stories are produced by girls and have girl voices and experiences in them. They highlight the realities facing girls all over the world today. Here’s what you can expect as a Teen Voices writer. We cannot accept previously published work.
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